

Soluţii foto, video şi software pentru a vă îmbunătăţi produsele

Creaţi conţinut rentabil şi de înaltă calitate pentru a vă aduce produsul la viaţă şi a vă dezvolta mărcile.

Make your brands shine with Canon cameras and software

Canon is not just a world leader in photo and video products, but an innovator in software too. When these technologies are combined, they have the power to bring your product closer to your customer.


    Software with real intelligence

    Canon has developed software that seamlessly integrates into your existing applications and workflow, allowing you to create and capture images that can be used right across your product portfolio.


    Proven quality, professional results

    Canon photo and video cameras are highly capable tools designed to capture colour, detail and texture with unrivalled quality, giving your products real appeal and bringing them to life for your customers.



Develop your power to deliver

Canon’s Software Development Kit (SDK) offers a suite of functions that you can access alongside connected cameras. By linking a camera to a PC or Smartphone your developers can control the picture taking process.

Canon Camera

Camera control

Operate the camera remotely with speed and precision maintaining full control of exposure and focus.

Canon Camera

Managing content and production

Download images, check and change camera settings and shoot remotely from Mac, PC or Smartphone.


Folosirea sistemului R pentru fotografia de comerţ electronic cu Argos Sainsbury’s

Urmăriţi cum foloseşte Argos un studio intern echipat cu produse Canon pentru a crea un flux de lucru rapid şi eficient cu mai multe şedinţe foto simultane.

Related products

Discover more about Canon professional photo and video products that offer you complete control plus unrivalled quality.

  • Canon Camera


    Take a closer look at your subject...
  • Stay one step ahead with Canon

    Canon commerce photo and videography solutions offer fast, cost-effective production of high-quality content to reach your consumers in a timely, efficient and consistent manner - maximising productivity, profitability and market share.



      Because every business is different, we take time to listen, understand and work out the best ways of maximising your unique workflow needs.



      Now that we know the nature of your business and your brand requirements, we offer a documented development kit which specifies the functionality of the software for developers on how to make it work with their application.



      With the key elements in place, we tailor a package that truly suits your needs, choosing for you a camera and lens package that meets all your requirements.

    Timp de expunere

    Sistemele aparatelor noastre foto şi ale camerelor noastre video sunt proiectate să asigure rezultate uimitoare, cu fotografii de până la 45 de megapixeli, 20 de cadre pe secundă sau filmări 8K excepţionale, pline de detalii. Gama noastră de aparate foto Canon oferă rezultate remarcabile; din clipa în care apăsaţi butonul, puteţi ieşi repede pe piaţă cu o strategie pe mai multe canale, beneficiind de o distribuţie eficientă cu postproducţie minimă.

    Calitatea imaginii

    Canon îşi produce senzorii de imagine proprii, revoluţionând fotografiile de înaltă rezoluţie şi capturile video şi oferind acurateţea uluitoare a culorii şi claritatea atât de admirată a obiectivelor sale legendare. Imaginile de calitate vă vor ajuta să vă detaşaţi de concurenţă şi vor oferi o experienţă mai bună a clienţilor. Capacităţile sale de focalizare automată şi nivel de alb oferă rezultate extrem de precise şi vor accentua toate detaliile şi texturile pe care le merită produsele dumneavoastră, ajutându-vă să vă reduceţi rata retururilor


    Faceţi setările, compuneţi, fotografiaţi. Iar şi iar. Cu tehnologia Canon, puteţi fi sigur că obţineţi rezultate uimitoare de fiecare dată, iar produsele dumneavoastră arată omogen şi realist. Intervenţiile artistice şi retuşurile sunt minime, iar dumneavoastră aveţi controlul creativ.


    Aparatele noastre foto funcţionează rapid şi eficient, cu procesoare ultra-rapide şi focalizare automată extrem de rapidă, pentru a putea aduce în continuare produse în timp ce aparatele noastre foto continuă să fotografieze. Rezultatul final este, desigur, că o parte mai mare a mărcii dumneavoastră ajunge pe piaţă mai repede ca oricând.

    Workflow Management

    Our software solutions and cameras are made to integrate into your workflow and are fully customisable and adaptable to keep pace with your business as it grows and evolves. From file to online, with an Adobe RGB colour profile, means you can review your images quickly while shooting, saving time in post-production and enabling your images to be live to the world.

    A commerce system for you

    No matter what business you’re in, Canon has a commerce solution for you. Our experts will tailor a package that meets every one of your requirements. Just take a look at the areas we have worked in already

    • RETAIL

      Products and accessories

      Maximise your workflow and enjoy fast, accurate photography and video of your products for web and catalogue.


      Clothes and apparel

      Capture every detail with accurate colour and bring your brands to life and into the minds of your customers.

    • STUDIO

      Portraits and more

      With super-consistent exposure and lighting, simply ask your customers to sit, pose and press the button.

    • MUSEUM

      Archiving with efficiency

      When your inventory demands ultimate detail and accuracy, be confident that Canon cameras, lenses and software can produce the perfect system for your visual catalogue.

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